Friday, September 17, 2010

Genesis 3:1-2

The serpent (our enemy) shows up to try to get in the way of God’s plan for mankind; so he starts up a conversation with Eve.

Eve was apparently totally unprepared for the encounter (see post for Gen 2:15). Her first mistake in dealing with her enemy started in verse 2. She accepted his invitation to have a conversation with him.

Demons never start a conversation without an end in mind. They always have an agenda. It does no good to talk with them. We do not owe them answers to any of their questions. They may be our accusers, but they are not our judges; so we don’t have to defend ourselves from their accusations. They are not our bosses (if we are in Christ) so we don’t have to answer to them. They are liars and the truth is not in them, so trying to convince them of truth won’t do any good. There is no reason to waste time or energy on a conversation with them. Dealing with them is a little like what happens when a person is arrested. “We have the right to remain silent, anything we say can and will be used against us.” Generally the wise course of action is to say nothing (accept maybe, "Go Away!" or "Talk to the hand!")

They are accusers and manipulators; when they are asking us to talk, its because they either have an angle or are searching for one. When we begin to talk they gain ammunition every time.

Eve’s response to the Devil’s "Did God really say. . ?" should have been something like, “Yep, that’s what He said.” Then she should have walked away.

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